Saturday, February 20, 2010

ASIFA - Fall 2009, Part 5

Final post from last year's sessions. ASIFA Spring 2010 stuff next week! Also, can this whole "Spring" thing start soon? This winter can die a horrible death now.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Day with The Tin Man

Hey everyone, remember when I did that pencil sketch of The Tin Man for my Wizard of Oz expiremental project? In honors of Valentine's Day, here's the process for this method starring the man with no heart. Photoshop, full underpainting, and first color/ink pass.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ASIFA - Fall 2009, Part 4

ASIFA Spring 2010 life drawing is starting up tomorrow, which reminds me that I've been slack about posting stuff from last sessions! Scanning out of that sketchbook is a nightmare. In any case it will be good to be back, and with better paper no less.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Adlize Promo - Ink and Color

Did I really have 11 posts in December and only 1 in January? Ugh, last month was crazy. I'll run the score back up this month. Working on stuff I have no business working on for fun, but I do hope you enjoy.